Airports are massive complexes that require large-scale cleaning solutions to get the job done – antimicrobial coating are just the ticket for a problem this big.

With so many people passing through any given location, surfaces need to be constantly cleaned to prevent the transmission of microbial contaminants. More, airports are the nexus of global commutes – they become hotbeds for disease transmission.

With so much space for bacteria to grow and limited resources to clean everything in a consistent manner, janitorial services seem at constant odds with bacteria and viruses. There are plenty of obvious places where microbes can grow, like TSA stops and bathrooms. But other surfaces, like seating and boarding gates, are also highly trafficked.

Commonly touched surfaces are the most likely areas to get sprayed down, but germs thrive in hard-to-reach areas. Keyboards, phones, and desks are likely to contain tough-to-reach areas that are often overlooked. Bacteria thrives in these conditions, and can grow faster than janitorial staff can clean them.

In the stalemate between disinfectants and germs, antimicrobial treatments exist that can strongly reduce the growth rates of microbes. However, not all of these treatments are made equal.

Overuse of Disinfectant in 2020

If you’ve been to an airport any time in the past year, you may have noticed the strong odor of disinfectants. In the past year, chemical disinfectants have been used nearly four times as much as recommended.

It has been estimated that the overuse of chemical disinfectants affects roughly 10% of people, most notably those who suffer from asthma, migraines, and those who are immunocompromised. Immediate symptoms include memory loss, mood swings, nausea, and trouble concentrating. Long-term effects have not been fully studied, but open the door to long-term litigation from those who have had consistent contact with these chemicals.

Cleaners contain toxic chemicals to kill germs and bacteria on contact. Yet the potency of these disinfectants also makes them particularly hazardous to human health. As a result, many airports are making the switch to cleaning methods that are being deployed in industries such as healthcare, cruise lines, and food manufacturing.

Antimicrobial Coating: A Shield Against Harmful Microbes

Highly trafficked areas like airports and airplanes are the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Yet the overapplication of disinfectant, while well intentioned, can pose a health risk in itself. Thankfully, large organizations have found a new weapon in their arsenal to combat the health risks of microbes: antimicrobial coating.

Antimicrobial coating provides a long-lasting shield against common health risks, mitigating the use of common cleaners. With EPA and FDA approval, antimicrobial coatings like those used at Clean Technologies LLC are favored in public areas that are at risk of becoming quickly contaminated. Because these substances are sprayed rather than applied by hand, large facilities can be cleaned quickly, and quick dry times allow workers to get back to these spaces in as little as 15 minutes.

Airports are large facilities that require extensive janitorial efforts to maintain cleanliness.

How Airports are Leveraging Antimicrobial Coating

For too long, airports have depended upon a reactive approach to cleaning their facilities. The past year has shown this methodology to be flawed: it is difficult to scale with impending health threats, and in the process of using too much disinfectant, can become a health risk.

More airports are now choosing proactive approaches to cleaning their facilities with antimicrobial coating. With a quick spray, these substances can be applied very quickly and require less application over a longer period of time. Antimicrobial coating is covalently bonded to a surface, ensuring that microbes that come in contact with these substances are killed without shortening its six-month life span.

Clean Technologies: Your Partner in Long-Term Cleaning Solutions

Antimicrobial coating is a powerful solution for maintaining the long-term health of patrons passing through an airport – but requires a special application process to achieve the maximum results. You need a partner who can quickly provide results to your organization.

Clean Technologies LLC is a leading provider in antimicrobial coating solutions. Our technicians are available 24/7, and are able to apply a quick clean with no special site preparation required. We’re here on your time, not ours – contact us today to learn more about our services.